This Oscar nominated Australian Gothic animation mystery filmed in silhouette,and directed by Anthony Lucas,tells the story of Jasper Morello, a navigator with a chequered past,who flees his homeland in search of redemption, and in a quest to save his ill wife.
Jasper Morello embarks on a journey to find new opportunity en route.
Jaspers crew includes an eccentric biologist, are blown off courseand find themselves abandoning ship and ending up on an Island.
Jasper encounters a giant creature which happens to be a cure for the wretched plague, and battle commences.
A gripping story unravels.
Film released ,January 20th 2005 . Duration 26 minutes.
My general thoughts on the film were it was unusual in that it was animated in silhouette which i personally had not come across before.
Interesting that the film was also set in a style not too disimiliar to Tim Burton animations.
Dark , Gothic and intriguing from start to finish.
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