Edward Hopper is an American artist and eventually studied in France and was influenced by the French artist Degas which can be seen very much within his Paintings.He returned to the USA to continue his work.
The picture above is an Edward Hopper painting titled House by the railroad.The Painting seems to depict light and darkness. The Tones and shading giving it this feel.
The Image seems to depict isolation and there is also a sinister look about the style of the Building. This was used in the very famous Alfred Hichcock directed movie from 1960, Psycho.

Of course both Edward Hopper and Saul Bass{May 8, 1920 – April 25, 1996} are linked by this film, hence Edward Hoppers painting of the House used in Psycho and Saul bass's Title scenes designs not forgetting his involvement in the shower scene and blood swirling down the sink scene, which was his idea and not the director Alfred Hitchcock.
Isolation Voyeurism Dark and light imagery Antagonist protagonist influence sems to run throughout both these Artists work.Also the relationship aspect side of thingsare icorporated in their works. Psycho paved the way for risque scenes in future films as pre 1960 scenes featuring visual kissing etc were quite taboo and only refernced as innuendos.
The Film Noir style is very much used in some of todays films.
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