A typical western style Title sequence. Slow intoduction and repetitious type text.Almost a cartoon style .Black and white .
1960's title sequence.{1959 - 1964}
Twilight Zone. Black and white type very clear , good quality and standing ou,t with the sparse background. Very futuristic looking and possibly Art Deco style text?.
1970's title sequence Starsky & Hutch.{1975-1979}
Very colourful bold text fast moving title of good quality and very dramatic.Very typical of the era.Bombastic and very clear type.

1980's title sequence. {1983-1987}The A Team.
Very iconic Music, very good quality graphic. Stencil style type font.Fast moving titles .A team title interesting movement.White text.
1990's title Sequence {1989-1993} Quantum Leap.
Fast pace intro, with fast moving titles Decade s running between clips ie 1964,1974 etc.
Iconic music.Back to the future style theme.Science fiction style 1930s Art deco influenced.Swissed cheese style bold font.
00's title sequence {2004 -2012}
Desperate Housewives.

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